Need New Tyres ?

Your Holden’s tyres are the first and only contact with the road, so it is important to choose the right set when replacing them. Mandurah Holden has Certified Service experts that will handle all of your tyre needs. From checking tyre wear to tyre pressure our team can help you find new tyres for your Holden.

Roadside Assistance

Roadside Assistance is your plan for the unplanned. When the unexpected happens, we are a phone call away.

One call to 1800 817 100 will get you the help you need.

Professional Assistance
Breakdowns are unexpected, but we aren't.

Jump starting
We'll be there to give your battery a kick-start.

Emergency Tyre Changes
Day or night, we'll help you change tyres in an emergency.

Vehicle Towing
We hope you don’t need it but if you do, we’ll get you towed to your nearest Holden dealer.